The County of Sonoma is committed to our tradition of creating an inclusive, safe and welcoming space for everyone who walks through our doors.

El Condado de Sonoma está comprometido con nuestra tradición de crear un espacio inclusivo, seguro y acogedor para todos los que cruzan nuestras puertas.

Help & Support

Other agencies in our community offer support or helpful information

Agencies at the Family Justice Center, (707) 565-8255

Local Counseling Resources

Therapy with a trained professional can help ease trauma and speed healing. RCC staff will refer you to free counseling provided by approved therapists in the community.

However, you may wish to use other therapeutic services. If you have health insurance, check to see if it covers the cost of counseling for you and your family.

There are also many local agencies and individuals who offer therapeutic help at varying costs. Ask your doctor or friends for recommendations, or review listings on the Internet.

For lower-cost options, check with your local Community Clinic.